The universality of the HTTP protocol seduced developers for quite a long time; in fact, today, most applications are web-based.
LDAP directories may make life easier on our users’ brains by making them memorize only one password, but their fingers are still very busy with all the authentications they need to type — in practice, each time they access an application.
Many solutions for Single Sign-On (SSO) are already available. In this article, we describe a free, simple, complete and reliable solution: the CAS (Central Authentication Service), developed by Yale University (New Haven, CT; USA). CAS has been chosen by the French ESUP-Portail consortium, which provides a complete and open solution to Universities and University-level colleges who wish to offer integrated access to their services and information for their students and staff.
Pascal Aubry, Vincent Mathieu & Julien Marchal,
EUNIS 2004, Bled, Slovenia, July 2004, best paper award, published in the journal Uporabna informatika (Applied Informatics, ISSN 1318-1882, surveyed by INSPEC), ed. Prof. Andrej Kovacic
CSIESR international seminar "Directory and Single Sign-On", 2004 November 29-30, Strasbourg, France
JOIN project open door day, Creating pedagogical opportunities relying on open source software and standards compliance, 2005 January 19th, Bordeaux, France
Journées pédagogiques de l'IFSIC, Lannion, juin 2005